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BONE – Bone is the substance that forms the skeleton of the body. It is composed chiefly of calcium phosphate and calcium carbonate. Bones play many roles in the body like anchoring muscles and storing calcium etc.
Collagen is a protein that provides a soft framework, and calcium phosphate is a mineral that adds strength and hardens the framework. This combination of collagen and calcium makes bone strong and flexible enough to withstand stress. More than 99 percent of the body’s calcium is contained in the bones and teeth. The remaining 1 percent is found in the blood.
Bones are not a static tissue but need to be constantly maintained and remodeled. There are three main cell types involved in this process.
Osteoblasts: These are responsible for making new bone and repairing older bone. They are required for bone formation and mineralization. They also manufacture hormones, including prostaglandins
- Osteocytes: These are the cells that lie within in the bone. They maintain connections to other osteocytes and osteoblasts. They are important for communication within bone tissue.
- Osteoclasts: These are large cells with more than one nucleus. Their job is to break down bone. They release enzymes and acids to dissolve minerals in bone and digest them. This process is called Osteoclasts help remodel injured bones and create pathways for nerves and blood vessels to travel through.
Osteogenesis is a complex process consisting of cell migration, differentiation, extracellular deposition, and mineralization.
Two processes result in bone formation:
- Intramembranous ossification – direct formation of bone
- Endochondral ossification – involves cartilage as a precursor
Bone remodeling is an active and dynamic process that relies on the correct balance between bone resorption by osteoclasts and bone deposition by osteoblasts.
Bones according to ayurveda
Bone is known as Asthi in Ayurveda. Asthi dhatu is produced from one of its previous dhatu i.e. Medadhatu. Nutrients from medadhatu is supplied through Asthivahasrotas. Vitiation of Tridosha (three body humors i.e. vata, pitta & kapha) are responsible for any problem or disease in the body. The bones and joints are considered to be the site of Vata and are particularly prone to vata imbalances. According to Ayurveda, there is functional relation between vata Dosha and Asthi Dhatu (Bone tissue). Increased qualities of Vata decreases bone tissue qualities and vice versa. Vitiated vata results in osteoporosis, pain, fragility, arthritisand fracture. The vitiated vata also create a drying effect of shleshakakapha that governs lubrication of joints. When this happens, the joints are not lubricated properly, and this creates the discomfort, cracking sound and diminished flexibility.
In Ayurveda, fracture is known as Bhagna. Bhagna was explained by Acharya Sushruta depending upon nature of trauma, shape of fracture, displacement of fracture fragment and fracture with or without wound. If it occurs in the bone it is called as “Kandbhagna” (bone fracture) and in the joint, it is called as “Sandhimoksha” (dislocation).
Joint problems can also occur due to indigestion which results in Ama formation. This Ama gets accumulated in joints and creates stiffness and heaviness. If ama stays in joints for long time the joint can become swollen and painful. For healthy bones and their proper functioning, it is mandatory to maintain balance of Vata Dosha and proper digestion which is the causative factor of various bone problems.
Each tablet contains
Powders of: ShudhaGuggul 250mg, KukkutandtvakBhasma 100 mg, Laksha 50mg, Trikatu 40mg, Ashwagandha20mg,
Aqueous extract derived from: Asthishrinkhla 400mg
Bhavana with: Raasnaasaptak Kwath & Dashmool Kwatha.
Features of Herbs
The results of several studies confirm anti-inflammatory and antiarthritic activities of guggul. Guggul possess anti-inflammatory, dipana and pachana properties therefore help to reduce ama, vata and kapha. Guggul kindles agni and provides and supports detoxification of ama. It also supports comfortable movement of the joints. Its simultaneous ability to lubricate and rejuvenate the tissues within and around the joints helps to promote strength and proper movement within these delicate spaces. It also offers antimicrobial and analgesic properties which help to achieve relief in joint pain.
Kukkutandtvak Bhasma
Kukkutandtwak is an animal origin drug which presents as mineral form. The eggshell is processed with changeri rasa to eliminate its impurities and toxins, which increases its suitability for human consumption. Calcination process increases its bioavailability in human body. It is a rich source of calcium and helpful to improve bone density, naturally. Processed Eggshell Calcium or Kukkutandatvak Bhasma helps restore bone mineral density and prevents fractures due to osteoporosis. It is effective in the treatment of osteoporosis and osteomalacia. It also has mild anti-inflammatory properties, which helps reducing inflammation and relieving pain.
Asthishrinkhla is also known as Hadjod which means “bone setter”. The roots and stems are most useful for healing of fracture of bones. The stem is bitter; it is given internally and applied topically in broken bones used in the complaint of back and spine. The plant has been documented in Ayurveda for the treatment of osteoarthritis, osteoporosis and rheumatoid arthritis. It accelerates the healing of fractures by supporting the delicate, healthy equilibrium between bone restoration and bone formation. The herb relieves the pain and inflammation associated with fractures. Hadjodassists in building the chemical composition of fractured and weak bones. The herb restores the tensile strength of bones.
- A study was undertaken to evaluate the effects of the extract of Cissusquadrangularis on the proliferation rate of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells, the differentiation of marrow mesenchymal stem cells into osteoblasts (osteoblastogenesis) and extracellular matrix calcification. The results suggest that quadrangularis stimulates osteoblastogenesis and can be used as preventive/alternative natural medicine for bone diseases such as osteoporosis. CLINICS 2009;64(10):993-8
- Another study was undertaken to evaluate the effect of extract of CissusquadrangularisLinn (CQ) on the healing process of experimentally fractured radius-ulna of dog. CQ treatedanimals revealed faster initiation of healing process than the control animals on radiological and histopathological examinations. Healing was almost complete on 21stday of fracture in the treated animals and remained incomplete in the control animals. Indian Journal of Pharmacology 1994; 26: 44 – 45
In a clinical study, efficacy of lakshachurnavati was evaluated in the management of Avrankandbhagnaw .s.r. to colle’s fracture. Post fracture symptoms like pain, swelling, tenderness, loss of function and callous formation was assessed during the treatment. The trail drug proved statistically significant in early bone healing. The results revealed that all the three groups have shown significant improvement in all cardinal sign and symptoms, however, the statistical observation reveals that group A with Lakshachurnavati was found more efficacious in early callus formation phenomenon.
Trikatuis a classic Ayurvedic formulation. Trikatu contains the three herbs P. longum, P. nigrum, and Z. officinal. These herbs work synergistically to stimulate the digestive fire, allowing more efficient digestion in the stomach and detoxify the ama. The component herbs P. longum and P. nigrumcontain Piperine as the main chemical as well as a biological marker along with other constituents in minor quantities. Piperine acts by a number of mechanisms to enhance the bioavailability. Ginger is one of the components of Trikatu which also possess significant bioavailability enhancement activity.
Ashwagandha has hot potency herb that subsides vata and kapha and ignites the digestive fire. As a result, nutrients reach the tissues through minute channels called srotas. Ashwagandha also acts as an effective anti-inflammatory agent. Naturally, it has much higher steroidal content than that of hydrocortisone. Another study demonstrated that rats treated with powder of Withaniasomnifera root orally for 3 days, 1 h before injection of inflammatory agent produced anti-inflammatory responses comparable to that of hydrocortisone sodium succinate.
In an another study the potential beneficial effects of extract of Withaniasomnifera (WS) root in osteoporosis caused by ovariectomy and concurrent calcium deficiency was evaluated. The findings suggest that OVX rats developed bone changes similar to those seen in oestrogen-deficient osteoporotic women. These changes are probably partly due to inadequate oestrogen levels exacerbated by calcium deficiency, a condition which may also be the cause of bone changes observed in women with postmenopausal osteoporosis. Treatment with WS root extract, which is known to contain oestrogen-like withanolides, particularly withaferin-A, significantly prevented net bone loss.
It is a liquid dosage form i.e. decoction, which contains 8 herbs having the anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antioxidant activity (Rasna, Gokhsura, Guduchi, Punarnava, Eranda, Devdaru, Aragvadha and shunthi).Rasna Saptak Kwath balances vata and kapha Dosha. It supports better appetite, digestion and elimination. It is used to treat various painful afflictions and swelling of joints due to analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties.
Dashmool Kwatha
Dashmool Kwatha is an Ayurvedic formulation prepared by combination of Brihat Panchamoola and Laghu Panchamoola, containing 10 roots. According to Ayurveda, Dashmool mainly acts on Vata Dosha and reduces its aggravation.
Justification and Rationale of the Combination
During the lifetime, the body continues to reabsorb old bones and create new bones. The process of bone resorption and formation slows down as a person gets older or sometimes the reason may be any underlying disease. According to Ayurveda, imbalance of vata Dosha and improper digestion are the main causative factors of various bone problems. The improper digestion result in ama formation which results in accumulation of amavisha in the joints and cause vitiation of doshas mainly vata dosha.
Ostablastin tablet is a unique formula containing potent herbs and classical ayurvedic formulations that assists building weak bones and restores their tensile strength. It has digestive properties and it also helps to maintain the balance of vitiated dosha.
- In case of fracture; Asthishrinkhla and Kukkutandtvak hastens bone healing process and their calcium content helps in restoring bone mineral density.
- Laksha helps in early callus formation and helps in early recovery from injury.
- Guggul and Ashwagandha strengthen bone integrity, combats pain and inflammation.
- Trikatu, Rasnasaptakkwatha & guggulu acts as digestants and detoxify the accumulated ama.
Ostablastin tablet is also effective in managing senile and postmenopausal osteoporosis and prevents osteoporotic fracture.